Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's time for some major changes

I have an old school friend on FB who talks about the people who are on their friends list just because they want to be nosy...not because they truly care or are interested.  Well, apparently I have a lot of those too.  (And not just on FB, in real life too.)  After offering support to so many, in so many ways...physically, emotionally, financially...one would (stupidly) hope that when the shoe was on the other foot, the support would be there.  But apparently, that's just not the case.  I now TRULY understand why it is said to give unselfishly.  Because sadly, most of the people you give to are selfish and won't return the favor.  This has unfortunately been proven to us time and time again, but lately it's just like a slap in the face.  This is why we've learned to depend on just ourselves.  We thought things were changing, we thought that opening ourselves up more would be a good thing.  Instead it's done nothing but cause us stress, grief and financial hardships.  So as far as I'm concerned, it's time for some changes to happen.  Some people won't be happy with them, but too bad, because those people have proven over and over that our happiness means nothing, just theirs.  It's time that we put ourselves first and not worry about their feelings for a change. 

And funny that this is happening just in time for the new year.  Oh yes, I think 2011 will be a MUCH better year!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ridding myself of food chemicals

Some of you may know that for several months now (6 or more) I've been attempting to cut down (and out where possible) on consuming refined sugar.  I have PCOS which is wreaking havoc on my reproductive system and the biggest known culprit to PCOS is sugar.  Basically you need to follow a diabetic diet to help combat the cysts and allow your body to regulate it's hormones naturally. 

However upon more research as well as my own personal experience, I've decided that I need to eat as naturally as possible. 

Before the craziness of the holidays started I had spent 3 weeks carefully watching my diet, walking daily and making sure to drink enough water.  I was loosing weight, physically feeling better, looking better (my skin was clearing up,  hair stopped falling out so much, etc.) and to boot, my emotional well being returned.  When I wanted a snack I would eat organic yogurt with a bit of organic granola (Horizon vanilla yogurt and Cascadian Farms oat & honey granola, both available in regular grocery stores) and I was drinking a glass of lemon water each day in addition to my regular water.  I limited my caffeine intake and cut down on juice because of it's high sugar content.  It was really so easy. 

Well today while having breakfast it occurred to me that I was starting to feel crappy again, my weight is creeping up again (just a couple of pounds, literally, but I can feel it) and my face is acting up again.  The thought of ingesting too many chemicals occurred to me as I was taking a sip of coffee.  Coffee that had white sugar and that horrible powdered "creamer" in it.  THAT COFFEE IS WHY I FEEL SO BAD!  Ok, well it's not just the coffee, but everything like that.  LOL  So I made the decision that I am going to rid my body of as many chemicals as I possibly can.  No more powdered coffee creamer, no more tub butter...if I'm going to use butter I'll use the real stuff, I know, I know, it's a lot of fat, but at least it isn't a chemical compound that's a single molecule away from being plastic...no more sodas and no more juices that are not 100% juice.  This list could go on for a while, but you get the idea.

It's bad enough that today most meats, milks, etc. have added hormones and such in them, but then to ingest other things, such as that "creamer" and tub butter, are just horribly bad.  So while I can't do much about the chemicals and such in some foods, I can do a lot about others.

So starting today, right now, I am changing the way I eat and I'll bet that it won't take long for me, as well as others, to begin to see the results.  :-)