Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I love to FROG!

Ok, before I start, a quick definition...


After spending part of my day stressing myself out over something that is completely out of my hands, a thought occurred to me.  Since this IS a problem that I can't control, I simply needed to FROG that He would take care of things.  For a lot of years my Mom and I have always said the saying, "Let go and let God".  Meaning give it to Him to take care of.  She and I have ALWAYS had a strong faith in God that he would guide and protect us, give us strength we never knew we had and also make us weak enough at times to remind us to ask for help.  He has always taken care of us and we both believe it is because of our faith and our believe that He will provide.  We may not always have what we want, but He always gives us what we need.  It's really kind of funny because generally after giving a problem over to God I also ask him to give me the patience I need to wait for him to respond.  LOL

And wouldn't you know...He rarely makes me wait very long when it's something that's really bothering me.  It may SEEM like a long time, but it's not.  And of course it took about an hour and a half for Him to respond today.  :-)  But alas, as things go I found myself stressed and worried again this afternoon.  So as I sat at the computer with tears running down my face and my brain in scrambles as I tried to think of a solution it hit me, "Well DUH!  You're not taking your own advice!".  So again, I decided to FROG.  I KNEW, without a shadow of a doubt that if I put my faith in Him, He would again provide an answer.  This time I think it took 10 minutes for the answer to arrive via the mouth of my hubby.  (I love when God gives him the words to provide the answer I need!)  So now, with a great big THANKS to both God and my Husband, we will again get to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas with our family.  :-) 

Speaking of...that's just one more thing to give thanks for this year.  God has never left us alone for a holiday since we've been in Texas.  The first year we were here the holidays were spent in the company of friends and each year following has been celebrated with family around us.  Who could ask for more when living 600 miles from home??  :-)  Thank you, God, for providing us with such caring, loving family and friends.  We wouldn't have made it without them!

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