Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apparently my version of broke isn't the same as others

When I say I'm broke, I'm broke.  That means that I have no extra money beyond bills, gas & grocery money.  To me, these are the necessities.  And sometimes, I don't even have money for those things.  That's broke.

However, when some people say they are broke, they still have money to buy and do the things that are not TRULY necessities.  My version of broke does not include getting my nails professionally done, going for a hair cut (and color, etc.) every 4-6 weeks, or buying a new TV or digital camera.  It does not include a daily run to a fast food joint or to buy a cup of coffee, nor does it include cigarettes and beer.  These things are NOT necessities.  

So here's the deal.  If you can buy high end material items, pay someone to do anything in the realm of filing your nails, brushing your hair or cleaning your house, drink a cup of specialty coffee each day (I don't care if it came from Starbucks or a gas station, it's still more expensive than brewing a pot at home), smoke cigarettes daily, have the full and complete package that your cable or satellite provider offers, including game packages that cost extra, and if you can actually pay real money to play virtual games online, you, my friend, are not broke. 

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