Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Purging and rearranging...because Fall is in the air!

Well ok, not so much today as it's getting pretty darn warm outside again, but overall the feeling of Fall is here!  I've been slowly but surely working on Fall cleaning but not REALLY getting into it yet. 

This morning when I woke up the first thing I thought of was "I need to fix a pot of coffee".  J and I hardly drink coffee during the summer, it's just too warm, but during the Fall and Winter months it's pretty much an every day thing.  So I get the coffee started and in the meanwhile decided to get a decent breakfast cooked.  While cooking breakfast I'm tidying up the kitchen and thinking that I really need a better system in there than what I have (had) going which of course gets my mind spinning... 

Now rearranging my kitchen is nothing new.  J has come to expect the kitchen (as well as the rest of the house) to be periodically rearranged.  Hmm, come to think of it, I'm always rearranging because as soon as I get one room "done", another one beckons to me.  LOL  So as soon as I'm finished eating breakfast I jump up and get to work.

Now not only was I on a mission to rearrange, I was also on a mission to purge.  I'm sorry, I don't care who you are, how great of a housekeeper you are or how well you stay organized, at some point, everyone has to do a purging of the kitchen.  That's the place that just "collects" stuff, kind of like most coffee tables do.  Cabinets and drawers are the perfect place to just put stuff...stuff that you need, stuff that you like, stuff that you might use one day and stuff that you just don't have a place to put it in.  By now my kitchen was becoming a bigger and bigger mess because I no longer had anyplace to put anything.  So I started with the Tupperware cabinet...always my first make sure that everything had a lid and vice versa and the continued on through the rest of the kitchen.  By the time it was all said and done I'd thrown away an entire garbage can of junk.  Between the missing Tupperware pieces, the expired dry goods, etc, I managed to get my cabinets clutter free and arranged in a way that is much, much more efficient.  Yes, I'm a dork like this.  I LIKE to purge and rearrange my kitchen.  :-) 

That and it's fun to watch J figure out where the measuring cups went this time.  LOL

Seriously, it may sound silly and boring to some of you to clean out and rearrange your house, but for me it's almost like therapy.  I always feel a renewed sense of self when things are all cleaned up and moving things around helps keep life interesting because it changes your perspective.  Quite literally you will follow a new path, look in a new direction and find new things to love about your home.  And to me, any of those things are worth the little bit of time and energy it takes to rearrange things once in a while.

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