Monday, January 3, 2011

Reality is setting in...

Well we stuck with our plan to start right after Christmas with packing up the non-essentials, etc. around the house.  We have less than a month until J graduates and not a clue yet as to when we'll be leaving, if we'll be leaving or where (for sure) we'll be leaving to.  Naturally our goal is to get moved back home to where our family and friends are, but only God knows at this point if that's our destination.  (I'm praying like crazy that it is! LOL)

So along with packing up Christmas decorations, our lesser used kitchen items, books, memorabilia and such things that we can live without for a while, we've started doing leg work in the "finding work" and "finding a place to live" realm.  I knew that when I started packing up stuff in the house that reality would set in that we really ARE going to be moving and that the opportunity to get home...or at least closer to home...was getting close.  I had no idea though how much it would smack me in the face though once job and housing searches were under way!  LOL  I'm serious, it was like those stupid Tums commercials where the food starts smacking people in the face.  I felt like the internet and my computer were doing the same!  Don't get me wrong, the excitement of being home and being around our family and friends is THRILLING and I can't wait for that!  But the logistics of this scares the bejesus out of me.  LOL

But instead of sitting here with a roller coaster ride of a stomach and a headache developing out of my thoughts of finances, I'm going to use these feelings as motivation to get THAT much more packed up.  THAT much more organized.  THAT much more settled here, in order to make getting there THAT much easier.

So I ask that if you are a praying person to please say prayers that all goes well and that God has it in his plans to get us back home.  And if you're not a praying person, well then good thoughts being sent out into the universe would also be appreciated.  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi my beautiful daughter. As you are always telling me, don't worry. All you can do is what you can do and God will take care of the rest. Now, when the time comes, I will come up there and be a second pair of hands to comeplete the job. I am very good at doing mindless jobs like wrapping dishes and other items so I will be there for you. And then there's the house hunt. I can help you there too in any capacity...whether you want me to do a drive by to check out a neighborhood or actually go see the house before you make a trip down. ANYTHING you and Jason need we are ready to help. I love you and you can do anything,,,one step at a time.
    love and hugs,
